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Background Tasks

Lite XL performs a few long-running tasks in the background, such as syntax highlighting, project search and filesystem monitoring. Lite XL implements background tasks with Lua coroutines, ensuring that the program runs on a single thread.

To schedule a background task for execution, you can use core.add_thread(). This function accepts a coroutine function, a weak reference to an object, and other arguments to pass to the coroutine function.

The coroutine function takes any arguments passed into core.add_thread() and should call coroutine.yield() with the timeout in seconds. If the timeout is 0, the coroutine will be resumed as soon as possible.

local core = require "core"

-- Schedule a function for execution later
    print("Hello world!")

-- Schedule a function to run until the weak reference is destroyed
-- This is used by the syntax highlighter to run the highlighter
-- until the underlying Doc is destroyed/closed.
    while true do
        print("Doc is still open!")
end, doc)

Example: Managing a child process

This example uses a background task to manage a long-running child process. The background task reads from the child process and prints it to stdout after the process exits.

local core = require "core"

    local proc = assert(process.start({ "cat", "/dev/urandom" }, { stdin = process.REDIRECT_PIPE }))

    local buffer = {}
    while true do
        local current_buffer = proc:read()
        if not current_buffer then break end

        table.insert(buffer, current_buffer)


Example: Defer execution of certain functions

This example shows a lesser-known use case for core.add_thread() — deferring execution until Lite XL is fully loaded. Coroutines scheduled with core.add_thread() will run after the UI and plugins are loaded, so it could be used to run commands added by plugins.

local core = require "core"
local command = require "core.command"
local config = require "core.config"

    -- At this points, plugins are not loaded yet.
    -- We need to defer the execution after the editor is loaded.
    command:perform "my-plugin:show"

Background tasks will not execute when Lite XL is unfocused.

To work around this, set core.redraw to true before yielding 0. This will force Lite XL to constantly redraw (which increases CPU usage), but will make background tasks run correctly.