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Simple Plugin

What is Simple?

Simple is a very basic plugin written with the intention of introducing developers who are new to Lite XL to the process of writing plugins for the editor.

What does the plugin do?

The plugin displays a message (that is taken as input from the user) in the top right corner of the editor window. It also allows the user to toggle the visibility of the message.

I can't write Lua!

If you come from other programming languages, take a look at Lua cheat sheet. If you're new to programming, you can read this.

Format of the tutorial

The code contains comments detailing what most (if not all) of the code in the file does.

The code

-- mod-version:3

-- you MUST put mod-version:x on the first line of your plugin
-- mod-version usually maps to lite-xl releases (eg. mod-version: 2 == lite-xl 2.0)
-- lite-xl won't load the plugin if the mod-version mismatches

-- NAME       : Simple
-- DESCRIPTION: A simple guide on how to make your first Lite XL plugin
-- AUTHOR     : Ashwin Godbole (aelobdog)
-- GOALS      : To render some text inside the editor
-- Disclaimer :
-- I am not a lua developer, and my knowledge about writing plugins for
-- Lite XL is very limited. This file serves the purpose of helping the
-- reader get started with plugin development for Lite XL, and therefore
-- demonstrates only some very basic features. For more complex plugin
-- development, be sure to check out the source code of some other
-- plugins after going through this file.
-- Before we start writing any code for the plugin, we must import the
-- required modules from the "core" package.

-- the "core" module
local core = require "core"

-- the "command" module will help us register commands for our plugin.
local command = require "core.command"

-- the "style" module will allow us to use styling options
local style = require ""

-- the "config" module will be used to store certain things like colors
-- and functions
local config = require "core.config"

-- the "keymap" module will allow us to set keybindings for our commands
local keymap = require "core.keymap"

-- since we want to modify RootView, we'll need to require it first
local RootView = require "core.rootview"

-- per-plugin config must stay in config.plugins.(plugin name)
config.plugins.simple = {}

-- colors are just three or four comma separated values (RGBA) (range 0 - 255)
-- put inside of '{ }'. We will add our color to the config module.
config.plugins.simple.text_color = {200, 140, 220} -- or use `{ common.color "#C88CDC" }`
-- Let's create a function to calculate the coordinates of our text.
-- While we're at it, let's add our function to the `config` module.
-- We'll take the message we want to display as the argument to the
-- function to determine the x and y coordinates of the text.

function config.plugins.simple.get_text_coordinates(message)
   -- For this plugin, we want to display the text on the top right
   -- corner of the screen. For this, we need to know the editor's width
   -- and height.

   -- The current font's size can be obtained from the "style" module.
   -- The editor's dimensions can be obtained by
   --   1. WIDTH  : core.root_view.size.x
   --   2. HEIGHT : core.root_view.size.y

   local message_width = style.code_font:get_width(message.." ")
   local font_height = style.code_font:get_size()
   local x = core.root_view.size.x - message_width
   local y = font_height / 2

   return x, y
-- Let's now get to actually drawing the text inside the editor.
-- In order to "inject" our own code to draw text,
-- we'll need to save the original draw function
-- We'll save `RootView.draw` to a variable we call `parent_draw`

local parent_draw = RootView.draw

-- Now let's overload the original definition of `draw` in RootView
-- by redefining the function.

function RootView:draw()
   -- We call the parent's function to keep the editor functional...
   -- obviously we must still draw all the other stuff !
   -- So we call the `parent_draw` function before doing anything else.

   -- we'll add an option to toggle the message on and off. let's use a
   -- boolean variable to keep track of whether we want to display the
   -- message or not.
   if config.plugins.simple.show_my_message then
      -- We'll be getting the message to display as input from the user
      -- later. We'll store that user input in `config.plugins.simple.hw_message`.
      -- (NOTE: this variable does not come in-built in lite-xl;
      --        it is a variable that we will define later.)

      -- let's store the value of config.plugins.simple.hw_message in a local variable
      -- `message` in case config.plugins.simple.hw_message we set the message to
      -- "message not set yet!"
      local message

      if config.plugins.simple.hw_message then
          message = config.plugins.simple.hw_message
          message = "Message not set yet !"

      -- let's get the coordinates for our text
      local x, y = config.plugins.simple.get_text_coordinates(message)

      -- let's finally draw the text to the window !
      -- the draw_text function from `renderer` is an important function
      -- as it is used to display any and all text inside of the editor
      -- window
      renderer.draw_text(style.code_font, message, x, y, config.plugins.simple.text_color)
-- Let's allow the user to turn the message on and off
-- we'll write a function to flip our "show" boolean variable.

local function toggle_helloworld()
   config.plugins.simple.show_my_message = not config.plugins.simple.show_my_message
-- Finally, let's add the toggle function to the command list so that
-- we can call it from the C-S-p command panel. Let's add one command
-- to toggle the visibility of the message on and off and one to get
-- the user's message and then display it.

command.add(nil, {
   -- Toggle the visibility of the message
   ["simple:toggle"] = toggle_helloworld,

   -- Set and show the message
   -- This is the way to get user input through the command bar.
   -- `core.command_view:enter` takes 2 arguments:
   --    * the prompt to display before taking input
   --    * a function that takes the "input" as its argument
   -- (NOTE: here the variable we are reading input into is `text`)
   ["simple:setshow"] = function()
      core.command_view:enter("Test to display", {
         submit = function(text)
            config.plugins.simple.hw_message = text
            config.plugins.simple.show_my_message = true
-- Just for fun, let's assign our commands their own keybindings.
-- Here, we assign the keybinding the same string(its name) as the one
-- that we set while creating the command
keymap.add {
   ["alt+s"] = "simple:setshow",
   ["alt+t"] = "simple:toggle",