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Build and Installation

Once you have downloaded the source code, you can build Lite XL using Meson. In addition, the script can be used to compile Lite XL and create an OS-specific package for Linux, Windows or macOS.

The following libraries are required:

If they are not found, they will be downloaded and compiled by Meson. Otherwise, if they are present, they will be used to compile Lite XL.

Build Script

If you compile Lite XL yourself, it is recommended to use

bash -h

The script will run Meson and create an archive with the application. Lite XL can be easily installed by unpacking the archive in any directory of your choice.

On Windows two packages will be created, one called "portable" using the data folder next to the executable and the other one using a Unix-like file layout. The portable version conforms to the directory structure of normal Windows programs while the Unix-like file layout is meant for a Unix-like environment.

Lite XL does not hard-code any directories and instead relies on environment variables. This allows the package to be run in any directory.


When running meson setup you may specify -Dportable=true to install Lite XL as a portable application.

Lite XL needs the data directory to run properly. When portable is enabled, Lite XL will use the data directory placed next to the executable. Otherwise, Lite XL will use Unix-like directory locations. It will use $prefix/share/lite-xl for data and the executable will be located in $prefix/bin. $prefix is determined when the application starts such that $prefix/bin corresponds to the location of the executable.

The user directory does not depend on the portable option and will always be $HOME/.config/lite-xl. On Windows, $USERPROFILE will be used instead of $HOME.


On Debian-based systems the dependencies can be installed using the following commands:

# To install the required libraries:
sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev libsdl2-dev libpcre2-dev liblua5.4-dev

# To install Meson:
sudo apt install meson
# or pip3 install --user meson

To build Lite XL with Meson the commands below can be used:

meson setup --buildtype=release --prefix <prefix> build
meson compile -C build
DESTDIR="$(pwd)/lite-xl" meson install --skip-subprojects -C build

where <prefix> depends on the OS you are using: - on Linux is /usr - on macOS application bundle can be "/Lite"

If you are using a version of Meson below 0.54 you need to use different commands to compile and install:

meson setup --buildtype=release build
ninja -C build
ninja -C build install


macOS is fully supported and a notarized app disk image is provided in GitHub Releases. In addition, the application can be compiled using the generic instructions given above.

Windows MSYS2

The build environment chosen for Lite XL on Windows is MSYS2. Follow the installation instructions in the link.

  • Open MinGW 64-bit or MinGW 32-bit shell from the start menu.
  • Update the MSYS2 installation with pacman -Syu
  • Restart the shell
  • Install the dependencies:
pacman -S \
  ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-freetype \
  ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-pkg-config \
  ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pip \
pip3 install meson

${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX} expands either to mingw-w64-i686 or mingw-w64-x86_64 depending on the current MSYS2 shell used. You can also use pacboy with the :p suffix.