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Managing Plugins

Lite XL implements many features as plugins. By default, Lite XL comes with a few built-in plugins for essential features such as treeview and workspace, while the Addons package provides more. All plugins can be found at the plugin repository.


These plugins are contributed by the community. Support are provided on a voluntary basis.


Plugins that come bundled with Lite XL is usually stored in DATADIR/plugins. DATADIR is the directory where Lite XL's Lua code is stored.

On macOS, DATADIR is always the application resources directory. On other platforms, Lite XL checks whether lite-xl.exe is inside a directory called bin. If true, Lite XL will set DATADIR as (path to lite-xl.exe)/../share/lite-xl. This is similar to how most programs are structured on Unix-based platforms. Otherwise, Lite XL sets DATADIR as (path to lite-xl.exe)/data.

User plugins should be installed into USERDIR/plugins. USERDIR is the directory where user configuration is stored.

Plugin managers

Recently, we've standardized various aspects of the plugin repository to allow for plugins manager such as lpm and Miq to install and manage plugins.

lpm is a plugin manager more akin to distro package managers such as apt and dnf. It also provides a GUI for installing plugins. Miq is a declarative plugin manager that allows user to declare plugins and install/update them all at once.

These two plugin managers use vastly different ways of plugin management, so please consult the main page for each plugin manager for exact instructions.

Installing plugins

To install a plugin, simply drag the related plugin file into USERDIR/plugins.

For plugins that comes in a folder, please consult documentation from the plugins.

Historically, Lite XL does not enforce a specific file structure for these types of plugins. Old plugins may not have a init.lua file, which is used by Lua to find a plugin. In this case, you need to follow their install instructions.

To install a plugin with lpm, use lpm plugin install. For example, to install lsp, run:

$ lpm plugin install lsp

This will install/update the lsp plugin.

To install themes or libraries, you can use lpm color install and lpm library install respectively.

To install a plugin with Miq, you need to specify the list of plugins to install in config.plugins.miq.plugins.

local config = require "core.config"
config.plugins.miq.plugins = {
  -- this allows Miq to manage itself

  -- install lsp

Afterwards, you can run the command miq:install to install the plugins.

Updating plugins

To update a plugin, you'll need to re-download them. For plugins hosted as separate git repositories, you can simply pull new updates.

If you have a plugin manager installed, updating plugins should be easier.

To update plugins with lpm, run lpm upgrade.

$ lpm upgrade

This will update all the plugins to their latest versions.

To update plugins with Miq, run "miq:update".

Uninstalling plugins

To remove a plugin, simply delete the associated file/directory.

To uninstall a plugin, run lpm plugin uninstall. For instance, to uninstall lsp, run:

$ lpm plugin uninstall lsp

Uninstalling themes and libraries can be done with lpm color uninstall and lpm library uninstall respectively.

Uninstalling plugins in Miq is currently not supported.

Here are a list of plugins that most users would want:

PluginUse case
align_caretsAlign text on multiple carets and selections
autoinsertAutomatically insert closing brackets and quotes
autosaveAutomatically saves the file when it is modified
bracketmatchHighlight matching brackets
editorconfigEditorConfig support for Lite XL
ephemeral_tabsEphemeral tabs (previewing files without creating multiple tabs)
gitdiff_highlightGit diff gutter
indentguideIndent guides
lint+Linter support
litepresenceDiscord rich presence
lspLanguage Server support for Lite XL
lspkindCompletion menu kind/type icons for Lite XL LSP
selectionhighlightHighlight code that matches the selection
settingsSettings GUI for Lite XL (requires the [widget] plugin)
widgetsWidget toolkit for Lite XL. Needed for lsp and settings.

Feature / Plugin Requests

If no plugins provide the features you wanted, you can request them in the issue tracker. Plugin developers occasionally browse the issue tracker for requests and implement them.

Alternatively, you can take the opportunity to implement the feature yourself, based on various documentation and existing plugins.